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Monday 2 July 2012

Terra Madre Balkans 2012

A doua intrunire a retelei Terra Madre din peninsula balcanica a avut loc intre 29 iunie si 1 iulie, la Academia Bulgara de Stiinte din Sofia. Temele acestei intruniri au fost Politica Agricola Comuna a Uniunii Europene si oportunitatile sau dificultatile pe care le intampina micii producatori, atat in tarile membre, cat si in statele nemembre ale Uniunii Europene. Tarile balcanice au traditii culinare comune si conditii socio-economice similare, ceea ce inlesneste dialogul intre participanti si permite stabilirea unei strategii comune de recuperare si promovare a mostenirii rurale. Peste 150 de delegati din 10 tari au  participat la eveniment,  din care 4 reprezentanti ai Slow Food Cluj Transilvania: Marioara Pasc, producator de branza de oaie; Katalin Blanka Rigo, producator de turta dulce; Claudia Rosca, coordonator de proiect; Larisa Rosca, voluntar. Producatorii romani au participat la targul deschis sambata la gradina botanica din Sofia cu o selectie de produse traditionale.
Participarea Romaniei a fost finantata de Fundatia Soros, prin programul East East Partnership Beyond Borders.

Following the success of the first edition held in 2010, the second meeting of the Balkan Peninsula Terra Madre network was held at the Bulgarian Academy of Science in Sofia, June 29th to July 1st. Discussions focused on the new Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union and its challenges and opportunities for small-scale farmers both in the EU and extra-EU countries of the region. Balkan countries share common unique food traditions and similar socio-economic conditions, therefore common and timely efforts to safeguard their rural heritage are possible. Over 150 delegates from 10 countries participated, including four from Slow Food Cluj Transilvania: Marioara Pasc, sheep cheese producer; Katalin Blanka Rigo, ginger bread producer; Larisa Rosca, volunteer, and Claudia Rosca, project coordinator. Starting Saturday, a Producers’ market took place in the Bothanical Garden, featuring an outstanding selection of products from food communities throughout the region. The traditional Romanian products were really appreciated. Participation of the Romanian representatives is supported by the Soros Foundation, through their East East Partnership Beyond Borders program.